Play List

Monday, September 17, 2007

Message from Teresa Sullivan

Hello! I am slightly ill this weekend and couldn't make it to church. I wanted to ask if you could add my grandmother to the prayer request list. She had a stroke this past week and is now in Arlington Memorial Hospital, paralyzed on her left side. My mom and her siblings believe that she had suffered some small strokes throughout the last week because her speech seemed to slur worse everytime they talked to her on the phone. Please pray for her and my mom and aunt and uncles as they go through this process of her recuperation. Also pray that she will be comfortable for whatever the Lord is planning for her at this time. She's been talking about her death since my grandfather passed away two years ago. I worry sometimes about her, but can only resign myself to knowing that God has a plan for everyone's life and that this may be part of the final stages of her time on earth. Thanks to everyone and have a good week.

Teresa Sullivan

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