Play List

Sunday, October 18, 2009

This Sunday's Update


Great weather, eh?! Hope you're having a good weekend. I haven't heard much talk of flu lately, so I'm hoping that folks are a bit healthier these days. We had a great class this morning. Today was Children's Sunday, which means that the 2nd graders got Bibles. The church was also full of lots of fun and games for the kiddos. Thanks to everyone who planned this special day!

We also need to thank Vince & Mary for bringing our snacks this morning. They even managed to sneak in some kolaches! Thanks, guys. Next week, Brian and Jill VanZee are in charge. Thanks, V-Zees!


We have lots of people to keep in mind today. First off, Ashlee McCrary has asked us to pray for her friend Jiliane. This is a very sad story in which Jiliane's two month old daughter recently died of SIDS. Here is Ashlee's message to me. Please pray for Jiliane and the family during this terribly difficult time.


Hi Wes,

I have a devastating prayer request that I hope your Sunday School class will include! An old friend of mine, Jiliane Jobe lost her 2 month old baby Jaylie Sunday morning. She died in her sleep. They have now received the autopsy results & it showed nothing on it. This has now been ruled a case of SIDS. Baby Jaylie's funeral is today at 2pm outside of Waco.

Here's a link to the obituary

Please pray for strength for Jiliane & her family to get through this tragedy! I'm so heartbroken for this family! I went to Elementary & Jr High school with Jiliane & played softball with her & had just recently gotten back in touch with her on Facebook when she was pregnant & had talked about getting together sometime with our girls soon. I dont know how she's going to get through this, but she needs prayers! Please include her family on the church prayer list. Thanks!



We also need to keep up our prayers for Shawn Buhner. His Mother's funeral will be Friday. Pray for strength and peace for Shawn and his family.

Nicki Sanchez would like for us to keep praying for her friend, Carey. She lost her two-day old baby about two weeks ago. Carey and her family are of course devastated. Pray for healing and for support from friends and family for Carey and her family.

Brian Nicholson's uncle passed away last week. Brian was very close to him. Pray for Brian and his family during this time of mourning. Pray, also, for safe travel for the Nicholsons as they head to and from the funeral.

Ben Sullivan has a praise and a prayer request. It looks as though he may be getting a promotion, but it also means that he will likely be in Mexico doing his oil patch work. The job also is a bit more dangerous. Pray for safety for Ben and for strength for Teresa while Ben is out of town for work.

Christina G. would like for us to pray for her as she works to find ways to pay for her college tuition. She also asked us to pray for her parents. They will be traveling to Oklahoma this week for a vacation.

Bernie Hookham is headed to Houston toward the end of this week for a conference. Pray for her safe travel and for Jeff and the two girls while Bernie is out of town!

Also on the Nicki Sanchez front, she would like for us to keep praying for her Mom. She has now pushed her wedding back until next Summer. Nicki asked that we pray for guidance and good decision-making for her Mom.

Let's keep up our prayers for Beth and little Levi-to-be! Beth passed around the ultrasound photos this morning. The young man looks terrific. Pray for health and strength and comfort for Beth and Levi. Beth, the big day will be here before you know it!

Bernie Hookham would like us to pray for two people at her work who are now looking for a new place of employment. Pray that they will find the right kind of employment very soon.

Last (and not least!), Jeff Hookham and I are traveling next Sunday to Dallas to watch the Cowboys play the Atlanta Falcons. Pray for our safe travel. I plan to stop at only seven twelve dollar beers, so I should be safe on the way home (uh, that was a joke . . . . . not a drinker. : ) ).


I think that covers matters for today, folks. Since I will be gone next Sunday, Steve May has kindly agreed to teach the class. Thanks very much, Steve! I know the highlight of the week for most of you is my unforgettable delivery of hilarious jokes. I hope you'll be okay without this part of your week next Sunday. If you need me to read jokes aloud, just let me know and I will upload a YouTube video or something. : ) Seriously, maybe Jennifer May will come through with a few jokes?!?!

Have a great week, everyone!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prayer Request from Nicki Sanchez

From Nicki:

I hate to bother you, but I would like to add prayer if you wouldn't mind. A good friend of mine from high school had to have an emergency c-section last night. Her son was six weeks early, and he passed away this morning. Her name is Carrie Headley, and she had named her son Madden Axle. She also has two other little ones at home, so please keep them in your prayers too.

Thank you,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christmas Party, Baby Shower, and the Normal Stuff


Good afternoon, all! Hope you've enjoyed this rain-soaked Sunday. We have lots of business, so let's get to it.

Thanks to the Mays! They took care of our snacks today. Next up, Vince and Mary E. Thanks, everyone!


Jill VanZee has kindly agreed to organize a shower for Beth Ramsdell. It will take place from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 13th, at the VanZee home. The event is for couples, so that means us fellas are invited, along with the chilluns. Put the date on your calendars! I talked with Brian, and we plan to shoot the bows and arrows with the kids in the backyard while you ladies open gifts. No worries. We'll be safe. : ) (That was a joke--HA- : ) ).

If you want to help in any way, please contact Jill. Her email address is as follows: This will be a great way to bless Matt and Beth. Thank you, Jill, for helping!

The annual class Christmas Party is back!!!!!! We talked in class this morning about when and where to make it happen. Rumor has it that Santa just may appear once again. This is always a great time for the kids. Jennifer May said that she would look into the possibility of hosting the event at her house again. If not, we will look into other possibilities. Jennifer also agreed to give Santa a call to see if he could work us into his schedule. Thank you so much, Jennifer! If you can do this for us, just give me a date and we'll make it happen! I'm sure there will be conflicts no matter what, so just pick a date that's good for you!


Now on to prayers and praises. My mother- and father-in-law, Bettie and Phillip George, are headed home to New Mexico tomorrow. Pray for their safe travel.

How about another praise for Matt and Beth! Everyone seems to be quite excited about this little boy who is on the way. Let's continue to pray for health for Beth and the baby.

Vince E. would like for us to pray for Mary. She is returning home from South Dakota following her grandmother's funeral. Pray for her safe travel and for everyone who is mourning this loss. Pray, also, for little Malia while Mary is out of town. She misses Mommy!

Vince also has asked that we pray for one of his friends who is struggling with unemployment and who also has a baby on the way. Pray that things will work out with the job search soon. Pray for the health of the baby as well.

Christina G. has two job interviews this week. Let's pray that both of them will go well. She also has a doctor's visit this week. Pray that everything will go well with that. Last but not least with Christina, her parents are driving home tomorrow from being out of town. Pray for a safe trip for them.

The VanZees have a busy week ahead! Jill will be out of town the first half of the week, and Brian will be out of town the second. Pray that their trips will go well. Call me if you need any help shuttling the kids around, Jill!

The Mays also have a busy couple of weeks of travel. Jennifer has a scrapbooking trip coming up, and Steve will be in New Jersey for work soon. Pray that both of their trips will go well and that the kids will handle everything fine.

Let's not forget the Buhners and the loss of Shawn's Mom. Pray that God will continue to be with them during this time of mourning. We're with you, Shawn!


I think that gets us up-to-date, folks. I hope all of you have a great week. We look forward to seeing you again next Sunday morning!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Prayers for Mary Erickson


Please keep Mary Erickson in your prayers. Her grandmother passed away last night. She will be traveling to South Dakota for the funeral, which will be held on Monday. We'll be praying for you, Mary.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's a Boy!


I just heard from Matt. That's the prediction: a boy! Congratulations, guys! Beth informs me that they will be naming him James Wesley Ramsdell. I am so honored! Uh, no. Just kidding, folks. : ) It appears as though the name will be Levi Oakes Ramsdell. What a beautiful name!

We are so happy for you guys, Matt and Beth. We'll keep praying for you.


P.S.--Brian, you will be okay. I promise. Take some deep breaths and think about the fact that the Longhorns are undefeated. If you need counseling, call my cell phone.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

El Nino, El Prayerso, and El Praiso: P.S.--Cowboys in Denver!


Good afternoon, all! Hope you're enjoying your Sunday afternoon. I heard a rumor today that El Nino is the cause of all this rain. Who knows. Whatever the case, I'm enjoying it! The only problem is that all of this water might wake up the grass . . . . . NO!

Thanks to Jill VanZee, we had some great donuts and cinnamon rolls this morning! We appreciate you, Jill. Next week, Steve and Jennifer May are in charge. Thanks for coming through yet again, Mays!


We don't have too many announcements this week, so let's get right to our prayers and praises.

We need to pray for the Buhner family. Shawn's Mom passed away early this morning. Please pray for peace and comfort for the entire Buhner family. Hang in there, Shawn. We are praying for you.

Beth Ramsdell is home sick with a cold today. Given that she's 5-6 months pregnant, she can't take many medications. Pray that she will get better soon. On Tuesday, Matt and Beth will also find out the flavor of this little youngster Beth's carrying. The pattern for our class is lots of girls (see Brian Nicholson for details), but we'll see how you guys do. We'll be excited to hear! Let me know, guys.

Brian and Breeley VanZee are hunting this weekend. Pray for their safe travel home this afternoon. Rumor has it that Breeley is quite the markswoman with her .22 rifle.

How about Cindy Abbott! She joined our church this morning. Great to have you as a member, Cindy! Praise God for your great decision. We look forward to having you with us every week!

Christina G. leaves for Denton on Friday. Pray for her safe travel. She also will be celebrating her Dad's 60th birthday this week. Pray for a good celebration. Finally, Christina's Mom and Dad leave this week for some time at their beach home. Pray for a safe trip and an enjoyable time away.

Happy birthday Jeff Hookham! Just for the record, here, Jeff is five years older than yours truly. So, in addition to me being better looking than Jeff, having better hair, catching more fish, and being smarter, I'm younger. Happy birthday, Jeff! Rumor has it that he and I will be traveling to a Cowboys game in a few weeks to celebrate. Look out, baby. That stadium ain't see nothing' yet. I want on the big screen.

Jennifer May would like for us to pray for the new Pre-K teacher at her school. She begins tomorrow. Pray for Jennifer and everyone else who is helping the new teacher settle in. Pray for the students who will begin with a new teacher tomorrow.

Jill V. also would like for us to pray for one of her co-workers. She will be giving birth to twins soon. She has been dealing with some sicknesses lately, so that has made the pregnancy a bit more difficult than normal. Pray for her and these two little babies. Pray for a successful birth and healthy babies.

Last but not least, let's pray for our church as we search for a new song/worship leader for the 9:30 service. Pray that God will lead the right person to us.


I think that covers matters for today, everyone. The only other possible prayer, given all of the Cowboys fans out there, would be for the Cowboys to beat the Denver Broncos today, but I figure God has other matters to worry about (no offense Cowboys fans!). By the way, why didn't one of you Cowboys fans plan a road trip and invite me to this game?! Sure would be nice to make a trip to the mountains and do some fly-fishing! Great fishing to be had in northern Colorado. I'm always ready, folks!

Have a great week, everyone. We look forward to seeing you again next Sunday morning.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Prayer Request for the Buhners


Please keep Shawn and Shelley Buhner in your prayers. Shawn's Mother is not doing well. Pray that she will have the support and comfort that she needs.

We're praying for you, Shawn!
