Play List

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Prayer from Shelly B.

Thanks for adding this prayer to your list.


From Shelley B.:

One sister Madison left for Uganda today. She will be spending two weeks ther doing missionary work.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

One More Prayer


I didn't mean to forget the faithful Hook-ham clan! Please pray for their safe travel this week. They are off to Iowa and will return next Sunday.


This Week's Stuff, No Class Next Week, Happy 4th!


Howdy, folks! Hope you've enjoyed the weekend, despite the ridiculous heat. When's the field trip to Montana?!


Let's get right to our prayers and praises for this week.

First off, my sister-in-law, Netta Null, had gall bladder surgery last week. The surgery went well, and she is recovering just fine, but please pray for Netta as she recovers from the surgery. Pray for a complete and speedy recovery.

Teresa Sullivan would like for us to pray for Ben. He is changing to a different rig, which is good news, but this means he will have to go back to work a week earlier than expected. Pray for safety for Ben. We also need to pray for Teresa as she is home with the boys by herself. Pray for her strength and patience.

Ben and Nicki will be traveling next weekend. Pray for their safe travel. We also need to pray for a great birthday for Severus. He turns one on July 4th! Nicki also would like for us to pray for her brother while he travels with his band. Pray for a successful tour and safe travel.

Vince E. is traveling tonight and tomorrow to Lubbock for an interview. Please pray for a successful trip for Vince. Pray that God will lead him in the right direction.

Also on the Erickson front, Malia is headed in tomorrow for ear tube surgery. Sound familiar, anyone?! Pray that the surgery will go well and that Malia will recover quickly. Pray, also, for Mary.

Christina G. has asked that we pray for her as she looks into possibilities with Baylor's Museum Studies graduate program. We also need to pray for her as they go through a difficult time remembering her grandfather. His birthday is coming up soon. Finally, Christina would like for us to pray for her brother who is finishing his last semester at Baylor.



I enjoyed our discussion of Fireproof this morning! I have attached (in the email) the lesson that we will use on SUNDAY, JULY 11TH.. Take a look at it before then if you have time. We also will plan to discuss a couple published reviews of the film.

DON'T FORGET THAT WE WILL NOT HAVE CLASS NEXT WEEK. Our church will celebrate the 4th of July with one service instead of our usual two on Sunday morning (hence no class), July 4th.

Have a great week, everyone. Happy 4th of July!

Wes and Dana

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Update, and Pictures of Little Dean Smith!



Isn't little Dean Smith precious?! Once again, congratulations Rod and Shannon! We are so happy for you guys. We look forward to seeing you in class again soon, but only after you've had a chance to catch up on some sleep! And we realize this may not happen until sometime around 2012 or 2013! : )

Let's say a big thanks to the Hookham clan for bringing our donuts this morning. We appreciate you guys, Hookhams! Next week, I plan to whip up a sausage, egg, and cheese casserole for everyone. Come and get it! Or, we could pick up donuts. I guess you'll have to show up to find out!


How about some prayers and praises for today. Let's start off with a big praise for all the great fathers out there! I was rewarded by my precious son this afternoon when he fell asleep in my lap about 1:00 while we were watching golf. He hasn't napped in my arms for at least a year. What a great present! Now, if we could just find a way to get Phil Mickelson to win this tournament tomorrow . . . .

We need to pray for the rough situation in Iran. Pray for peace and good political leadership in that country soon.

We need to pray for the family of the little 19 month old boy who was killed yesterday in a tragic car accident in Waco. Please pray for comfort, peace, and understanding for everyone who is mourning this terribly sad loss.

The VanZees will be headed to pick up Breeley this Friday. She has been spending some time with her grandparents in South Dakota. Pray that her last week will go well and that the VanZee's trip will go safely on Friday.

How about a big praise for Ms. Bernie! She passed an important certification exam on Friday. We knew it all along, Bernie! Praise God for her great skills in architecture. Now if she could just figure out a way to control Jeff . . . .

We need to keep praying for Bernie's secretary, Linda. She had her mastectomy surgery on Thursday, but not everything went according to plan. She will need to go back for the reconstructive surgery. She also will need to have additional chemotherapy and radiation treatments since the surgeons found more cancer. Please pray for good news for Linda and successful reconstructive surgery as soon as possible.

Jennifer Fadal would like for us to keep up our prayers for her sister's father-in-law. He has recently moved into a nursing home. Pray that his transition will go well. This family also is dealing with cancer. Pray for better days and comfort for this family during a difficult time.

We need to keep up our prayers for Steve May's Dad. He is now living in an assisted living/nursing home and doesn't like it all that much. Please pray for everyone who is helping Steve's Dad adjust to his new life.

Christina G. is waiting to hear back from Univ of North Texas regarding her graduate school application. Pray that everything will go well for her as far as graduate school is concerned. She also would like for us to pray for her friend Brennan and his work at law school.

Last but certainly not least, the Nicholson clan is driving home from Wichita Falls this evening. Pray for their safe travel.


I think that takes care of matters for today, everyone. I have attached (in the email, not the blog) our lesson for next week. I hope you will take a look at it if you have a chance. We will watch another clip from Fireproof and then discuss it based on this lesson.

Have a terrific week, everyone! We look forward to seeing you next Sunday.

Wes and Dana

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Class Update, Prayers, and It's Hot!


Good evening, all! Great to be back in action this morning. Let's thank Jennifer Fadal for bringing our donuts this morning! We appreciate you, Jennifer (Jeff was working). Next week, the loyal Hookham family is in charge of goodies. Thanks, Jeff and Bernie!

Let's get to our prayers and praises before an update on Fireproof.


Let's keep up our prayers for Shannon and Rod Smith--and little Dean, too! As far as I know, Shannon and Dean are doing fine. We're praying for you, Shannon!

Vince brought a praise this morning for his Dad, who turned a healthy 84 yesterday. He is doing great and enjoying his 84th year. Please pray for continued good days for Vince's Dad!

Vince also would like for us to pray for a friend of his named Cindy Morrison. She recently had a benign tumor removed (which is a praise!), but she needs our prayers as she recovers from surgery.

Amy Nicholson has asked us to pray for her parents. They are moving to Dallas! This is quite a big change for them. They have been in Wichita Falls for, well, forever. In fact, I think they settled the place after arriving by horse and buggy. : ) Well, the good news is that Amy's Dad will be starting an exciting new adventure in Dallas called Energy Education. Please pray for a successful transition for Amy's parents and for a good start for her Dad in his new job.

Bernie's secretary goes in for her double mastectomy on Thursday. Please pray for a successful surgery. Pray that the removal will get all of the cancer and that she will recovery completely and quickly.

Christina G. would like for us to pray for patience and understanding for her while she goes through a time of transition in her life.

Last but not least, I would like to say a praise for a great trip for the Null family. Dana and I enjoyed getting to spend some time together with just the two of us.


Well, I hope everyone enjoyed the conclusion to Fireproof this morning. I wish we would have had time to discuss the movie today, but, alas, class must end at some point. We will move forward with discussing the film next week. We will also do Lesson #1 ("He Said/She Said"). I've attached the lesson in my email (I also attached it to an earlier message).


Teresa Sullivan is looking for any kiddy pools that she can use for VBS. I believe she's talking about the little bitty ones. Please contact her if you have one to spare.


I think that does it for this week, folks. I hope all of you enjoyed your (HOT!) weekend. Have a great week, and we look forward to seeing you next Sunday morning!

God bless,

Wes and Dana

P.S.--If you haven't seen Fireproof, you don't need to worry about already having seen the film to come to class next week. The lessons are built around specific scenes from the film, which will show in class next Sunday before we discuss them. Come see us whether you've seen the film or not!

Friday, June 12, 2009

This Week's Update, We'll Continue Fireproof on Sunday!

Dear Friends:

Thanks to Steve May for covering the class last Sunday! We began our Fireproof series, and we should be able to finish the movie during the next two Sundays. Dana and I hope that all of you can make it this Sunday morning!

Here are the prayers and praises from last Sunday. Thanks for your prayers for these folks.

See you Sunday!

Wes and Dana



Ben Sullivan's company just got a year long contract, so he has some job security. He will be working in Louisiana. However, there are rumors going around that some others in his company might be laid off, just he wanted us to pray for those that might lose their job.

Vince's dad has been having headaches again lately and they can't figure out what is causing them.

Let's keep up our prayers for Shannon Smith and the new Smith baby.
