Play List

Sunday, March 14, 2010

NCAA News, Sunday Prayers, and Updates....


Good evening, all! Go Bears! Okay, I'm glad I got that out of the way. Here's the road to the Final Four: Beat Sam Houston State, Beat Notre Dame, Beat Villanova, Beat Duke. We can do that!

Okay, now for other business. Let's say a big welcome to JD and Crystal Clark! They visited our class this morning. We were delighted to have you guys, JD and Crystal! We hope to see you back to visit us again next Sunday.

Our prayer list happens to be short this week. First off, let's say a praise for safe travel for those of us who were out of town. Us Nulls had a great trip to Disney World. I know the Hookhams were skiing in New Mexico. The Ramseys spent some time in Houston. And I know lots of other people were out of town. Praise God for great trips and safe travel!

Next, we got an update on Miss Reese this morning from afternoon. Even though she had to spend some time in the hospital this week, she is home and doing fine. The chemo made her very sick this last time. The good news is that Reese only has one treatment left. That's a hallelujah if I've ever heard one! That treatment will most likely take place on either March 29th or 30th. Let's pray that this last treatment will go as smoothly as possible. One day at a time, Brian and Amy!

Last but certainly not least, we need to pray for the Workman family. They are expecting their second child in August, and they are facing some job changes with the Methodist Children's Home. Please pray that things will go well for Liz and Matt as they look at new job possibilities. Pray that God will give them the wisdom and discernment they need during this time of transition.


Believe it or not, that's our prayer list for this week. I think that's good news that it's short!

For you Dads out there who have daughters, don't forget to get your tickets for the Daddy-Daughter Dance. This one's a Hoe-Down! It will take place on March 26th. The last day to buy tickets is next Sunday. Miss Raegan and I will be there. And you can believe I'll be busting out the boots for this one! Ever seen the macarena in boots?! I dare you fellas to show up and join me.

Have a great week, everyone. We look forward to seeing you next Sunday morning!


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