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Sunday, October 12, 2008

This Week's News, Prayers, and Lunch Next Sunday!


Good afternoon! Well, here I am again typing this message during the Cowboys game. They better turn things around again this week!


I want to remind everyone that we will plan to go eat as a class next Sunday. We decided this morning to go to Fuddrucker's. We've had good luck there. We'll plan to dismiss class about 11:15 or 11:20. We need to be sure and beat the Baptists. : ) I hope all of you will plan to join us for some fellowship time next Sunday!


Next, I want to say a big thank you to Beth and Matt Ramsdell for bringing our snacks this morning. Kolaches included! Thanks, Ramsdells! Next week, Brian and Jill VanZee are signed up, but, since we're headed to lunch, we won't need snacks. Brian and Jill, we'll get you guys signed up for another round of donuts down the road!


Next, let's get to our prayers and praises. We need to continue our prayers for the Nicholsons and the Schneiders, our expectant families. Please pray for healthy babies and speedy recoveries for these mommies.

Brian and Jill VanZee have been doing lots of traveling lately, and their travels continue this week. Brian leaves town today, and Jill leaves on Tuesday. Jill's parents also will be returning home on Tuesday. Pray for safe travel for everyone.

I would like for everyone to continue to pray for Andrew Moore, the 9 year old boy who is struggling with cancer in his hand. His surgery has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 16th. Please pray for a successful surgery, a complete recovery, and cancer free days.

Christina Gilliam has an important interview on Tuesday. Please pray that everything will go well.

Teresa Sullivan would like for us to pray for her school. They've been going through some difficult days. Please pray for smoother days at school for Teresa.


That takes care of matters for this Sunday. For next week's lesson, we will continue our study of character by focusing on the subject of "endurance". If you want to read ahead, our lesson will be based on Jeremiah 29:1-14. We'll do as much as we can before we dismiss for lunch.

Have a great week, everyone! We look forward to seeing you next Sunday.

Wes and Dana

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